Thailand's capital city is Bangkok, which is also the largest city. Thailand shares its borders with Laos and Cambodia. Its main religion is Buddhism. When I visited Thailand a few years back, I was deeply impressed by the Thais as they were all very courteous(:
I enjoyed the Thai food alot, especially the MANGOES! It's like a mango wonderland:D Mango with sticky rice was indeed mouth-watering. The mangoes there are sweet, juicy and super yummy!! They also sold fried insects like worms and crickets, which according to our guide, was a delicacy in Thailand!
Thailand is indeed a shopping wonderland too! While visiting Chiang Mai, we went to the night market every night, but we did not get bored of it, because everyday there seemed to be too much of a variety of things to choose from!
We also visited the Golden Triangle-the place where Thailand, Myanmar and Laos meet, and we took a boat to visit Laos! The Golden Triangle is indeed a wonderful place. Not only is it the place where 3 countries meet, it is also the place where 3 cultures meet! In my opinion, with countries just a boat ride away from one another, it probably is inevitable that the cultures of these countries influence one another. One clue is that the main religions of these countries are all Buddhism.
Thailand is indeed a beautiful place to visit, and their mangoes have left a lasting impression on me!:D
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