Sunday, October 19, 2008


(taken from

Myanmar's/ Burma's capital city is Naypyidaw, and its largest city is Yangon. The national language is Burmese. Myanmar/ Burma is the largest country in SEA geographically. The main religion in Myanmar/Burma is Buddhism

A Burmese traditions:
It is an insult to touch someone on the head as the head is considered the "crown".

Some Buddhist celebrations that are celebrated in Singapore include:-
1. Water Festival (Thin Gyan)
-This Myanmar New Year celebration normally falls around 13-17 April every year. During this festival, people devote themselves to offer and bath Buddha images with scented water. They pay homage to the elders with cool water and other offerings. Splashing water at passers-by may be interpreted as symbolizing the washing away of the immoral stains accumulated during the past year,

2. Vesak Day
-This festival occurs on the full moon of May.

Buddhism was actually split into two different vehicles-the smaller vehicle and greater vehicle. The greater vehicle believed in helping devotees to achieve enlightenment, however the smaller vehicle does not do that.

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